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It Was Hard, But I Did It

Making a first step to reclaim, recover, rekindle, or revive is always hard. But that first step is needed to receive or even see the beginnings of a breakthrough.

Stay Steady in Strength

In light of the recent tragedies in Texas, Chicago, and everywhere else in our country, I was praying specifically over the youth whose minds are deficient in strength and sufficiency.


My husband and I enjoy entertaining where the focus is on Jesus. For us, it must connect to Him. Whether it is a worship night, a book study, a parents

“Jesus, Save”

It was such a beautiful summer day that I could taste it in the air. The sky was filled with a shade of blue that was majestic and sprinkled with

My Thought on Ephesians 2:10

When I read Ephesians 2:10, I see the following words: Identity and Purpose. As the verse states, God planned in advance what we are to be doing. This is based

The Clutter Has Got to Go

As I looked around my room and saw some things out of place, things that didn’t belong, I said out loud, “The clutter has got to go!” In that moment