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Stay Steady in Strength

In light of the recent tragedies in Texas, Chicago, and everywhere else in our country, I was praying specifically over the youth whose minds are deficient in strength and sufficiency. I also prayed Thanksgiving prayers over my children (I have one son, but my children also include my nieces, nephews, great-grands, and my students. Yet I found myself praying for my grandchildren whom I believe I will see one day!). These are the words and sentiments of my Thursday morning prayer:

Keep your eyes stayed on Strength. Strength is sufficient when you hold onto it. How does holding onto it look? Trust! When you trust, you will rise and soar like eagles’ wings. You will not grow faint when you walk, and you will not grow weary when you run. Strength is your sufficiency; you must hold to His unwavering hand. There is Strength in tomorrow when you walk in the now faith of today. Remember that today is the day of salvation, children. Seize it!

Your mess produces a message. The question is, what message do you want to portray? Take a look at my life and that of your mom (my sisters) and dad. Do you know, dear children, what happened? There was a day that came when we put down our broken pieces. We realized we could never put them back together. So, we raised our hands in surrender and humility, we praised and worshiped, and God turned our mess into a message. It was He who picked up our brokenness and put us back together. God also allowed us to marry our spouses, who also carry a message. There is power in covenant! Pray, dear children, for the right connections, for divine connections! Oh, how the right connections matter!

It will help when you learn to put down whatever you want to hold you back. Put down the gun. Put down the false teaching; stop listening to it. Put down that wrong relationship you are in. Put down the words spoken over you that have you walking confusedly. Put them down and pick up something of value and worth. Pick up a musical instrument. Pick up a Bible. Pick up your hands so God may find you. And believe! Belief doesn’t come through simply knowing. Faith comes when we act out the truth of who God says we are. Believe through obedience. Believe by trusting in Him even when your feelings and ill-placed passions want to drive you somewhere you don’t need to be. Listen and learn from us who went before you.

Read Isaiah 40:31. Find and circle the words soar, trust, renew, run without weariness, and walk without growing faint. You have to trust first, though, and then you will be renewed, and so forth. Read Mark 1:11 and notice the Father’s words over Jesus. If no one ever spoke to you like this, please know I do. You matter. You are loved, dear child. You have a purpose, abilities, and a gift that will turn the world on its toes. You may not believe that yet about yourself. But I do. I see you, and so does Abba.

New life is coming. The light shines on your dark yesterday. New life is your portion. Secure. Stay rested. Strength finds itself in God’s unshakeable hand. You will soar financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Stay steady in Strength. Sufficiency comes only from Yahweh. Strength is the wisdom of God. Strength is trusting Him. Now believe – and stop sitting and stand!

Other verses to marinate on: Phil 4:13, 19; 2 Corinthians 3:5; 9:8; Psalm 46; 1 Peter 4:10; Hebrews 11:6; Rev 3:1-22; Eph 2:8; John 15:5; 1 Peter 2:1; 2 Timothy 3:16-17
