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He’s There

“I can’t see them, but they are there.”

That’s what I told my young nephew about the birds that sing to me almost every morning outside my window. It’s such a beautiful sound to hear.

The fact that I can’t see them doesn’t matter. I hear their song, and that brings a smile to my face. I hear them and know they are there. 

In my walk with the Lord, there are days I don’t “feel” him, but I know He is there. Why? He told me that He would always be with me. And I believe that. Even through life’s storms, He is there. When we went through our 2012 story, He was there. When I wanted revenge my way, He was there, pulling me off that ledge. When I have my sad days and experience the dark cloud over my head that menopause has brought to my life, He is there. 

The question is, what do I do in moments when I don’t “feel” Him there? I have learned to turn toward Him. How? By opening my mouth and expressing a breath of prayer, by opening the Bible and reading scripture, and then meditating on the word or phrase received from it. He talks to me through those words. And, by sitting still. Yes, there is a time to sit so you can be still to hear.

So, see Him. Know He is there, though you can’t see Him.

#stopsittingandstand #bestillandknow

