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Open Your Eyes

As I share my quiet time with you, I pray that something here encourages your soul as mine was. Our God is Living and Active, shaking and setting things right…

Upon opening my eyes and entering into prayer this morning, I heard these words whispered gently in my ear: “Open your eyes.” I asked the Lord, “What do you mean?” He then had me pray for people in Christ who still have their eyes closed, that is, their spiritual eyes. I began interceding for those people, some by name.

On a 5 AM prayer call,  as the leader began to teach on three different areas of prodigals, she said, “There are some of you who know Christ, but you haven’t come home.” And then I heard the words again, “Open your eyes.”  My husband Christian joined me in my study and shared a lesson on the power of prayer from Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church. (Confirmation of what I heard in the Spirit.) Confirmation is always preceded by 3.

After I got off the call reviewed my notes, and checked the scripture references given, being the Berean that I am, it all lined up. Yes, we have to open our spiritual eyes so that we can come home and be released from the bondage of all that pain, whether brought on through our own devices or by way of others. We must learn to pour ourselves out (surrender) to be filled with the Spirit. This is a continual action – remember we’ve received the gift of the Spirit at baptism, the fruit of which is identified in Gal 5:22.  Those who’ve aligned themselves to Christ and live being led by the Spirit, out of them flow the power of the Spirit and fruits thereof. And, there is to be a continual filling of Him, according to Eph 5:18, and a display of His gifts, according to I Cor 12, and all its byproducts, so that we can help each other (NLT).

While I have been a Christian for 22 years, there are new and fresh things I learn every year about God and who I am in Christ. You see, the goal for me is not to be the same. I seek growth and progress. One never grows, remaining in a state of stagnation and complacency. It is about perpetual changing and growing in Christ. And each year, I see the power of the Almighty God’s work because I have learned to open my (spiritual) eyes. I have come home to rest in Him and then flow in Him.

My biggest takeaways for 2018:

  • I let go of fear, shame, and guilt
  • I let go of bitterness, hurts, disappointments
  • I let go of my wanting to control things
  • I’ve learned the power of prayer, stepping in, and pressing forward

I’ve learned new ways to pray through being encircled by prayer warriors. I’ve learned more about the byproducts of the Spirit’s filling. I’ve learned how to intercede for those whose voices are momentarily choked. I’ve learned to stop questioning God without humility but instead, step beside Him to co-labor so that I may see His work and His purpose accomplished in the lives of those I am praying for and in my life. No longer will I treat the promises of God so casually but engage with Him to see the promise fulfilled. “Treating the promises casually makes us ill-equipped for the conflict we were born for. David said No to the war he was born for because he saw a woman bathing and wanted her… The safest place is in the center of His will… the center of His purpose,” Pastor Bill Johnson.

Apostle Paul told Timothy in 1 Tim 1:18 to fight this fight with the prophecies previously made over you. There have been previously given to us, whether individually or corporately, a prophetic word. What has been your response? What has been mine? Walk in the way of 2 Cor 5:7.

Lastly, here are some lyrics from the song “Fear Is a Liar” by Zach Williams. As I typed this message from the radio, these words reminded me of a greater truth: “Fear, he is a liar. He will rob your rest and steal your happiness. Let Your fire fall and cast out all my fears.”  Listen to it here: https://youtu.be/CKzQjrMe-Ag

Be no longer afraid and open your eyes.